I. Founders often stumble into a product-market fit. Serendipity plays a role, but the process to get to serendipity is consistent.
by Sahil Bloom
"Engineered Serendipity I believe that some of what we call "luck" is actually the macro result of 1,000s of micro actions. Your daily habits can put you in a position where "luck" is more likely to strike. Increase your serendipity surface area. Engineer your own serendipity."
II. Product/market fit is a balance that must be continually evaluated. "Building a product people want" is only a piece of a complex puzzle.
by lennysan.eth
"True Product-Market Fit:
- Make a product that people want
- Make a profit delivering this product to people at scale
- Find, and keep, these people sustainably"

III. Designing for PMF is not about a wireframe or a prototype. It's a communication that is weaved from profound questions about who you are & how you matter.
by Zypsy
"1 — Great design = communication Effective design is communication. And effective communication delivers who you are and how you matter."
2 — Great design can align for success The design has the ability to align the founders, the market, the product, and the team, to therefore change the trajectory of a startup from obscurity to scale.
3 — Product/market fit isn't the only factor However, it can be impactful in influencing a startup's chances of growth because it allows the market to pull the product rather than needing to push the product on the market.
4 — Design early and often for the deepest impact Great design can make an effect on a startup's velocity during its early days, which are critical for the company's health."
IV. Find your audience first before you start building.
by mattkim.eth "build it and they will come." that was the old method. now, it's "start audience first, then build with them." here's why.

1/ your audience is everything it's a simple idea. find your audience first, before you start building. then build something that they will love. your audience is not just your customers. they're your active contributors. they are the reason your startup exists.
2/ why audience first? research: you can get feedback on your idea before you waste time building it. there will be no misalignment between product and user.
3/ why audience first? acquisition: startups can use their audience as an acquisition channel. they're also your biggest advocates.
4/ why audience first? recruiting: hire from your audience. They're the people most likely to become loyal employees.
5/ why audience first? funding: when you have an active audience, you can raise money through them. this will become easier with Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) and Token Fundraising.
6/ companies to watch"

V. Building an MVP is not about cutting features, but about finding the minimum product you must build for the minimum audience you’ve defined - by a_gargul

VI. In a great market — a market with lots of real potential customers — the market pulls product out of the startup.
by Mike Vernal
"The market you serve is arguably the most important factor for an early-stage startup. We've found that many product-oriented founders struggle with framing it. We wanted to share one way to think about a market and the "Market Size" slide."

Author and inspirator Kazsa Tamai
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