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Review and reflections on the topic of the 3rd Breakfast of Go Global World and Skolkovo

from the GlobalShift2021 series, where the main theme of all webinars was: Globality is not the size of a business, but a way of thinking.

Mindset is often one of the limiting factors in the development of an entrepreneur. How often have you noticed that with the same product, some go to open a local store with a view to the area, while others create an international brand? What's the matter? In ambition? Maybe. But ambitions, firstly, must correspond to the scale of the individual, and secondly, where can they come from without global thinking. But there is one nuance, there is no toggle switch, the globality of thinking does not turn on at the moment of realizing its necessity. It is important not only to allow yourself to think big, but to learn constructive reflection and awareness, as well as to soberly assess your potential and capabilities.

Everyone cannot look from a spaceship, everyone must be at their own level and here realize what value and for whom you are creating.

When switching from a helicopter view to a spacecraft, it's not bad to ask yourself a question on a new scale - who am I, what am I changing in this world due to my skills and competencies? What new tasks do I set and what problems will I solve, and most importantly, what new intellectual resource is needed for this?

But the skill here is not only in getting to the very top and deciding fate, it is important to be aware of the reality in which you exist and act, to deeply understand each vertical and the object that is in it. To be able to switch between levels, look at the situation from different points, analyze the picture and see it as a whole.

But sometimes we design the future and create new perspectives. Entrepreneurs are the subject of development of society, you shape the surrounding reality. Therefore, one of the main skills of the future is modeling the future. And this is innovation. And innovations, in turn, are acceptable where there is a mental ecosystem for them. First, for their creation, and secondly, for their implementation.

Dmitry Kozlov, CEO Tactise offered an interesting interpretation of the geography of companies in relation to innovation.


Companies that are leaders who create innovation, change the world, influence the industry.


They strive to the center, they are ready to use innovative approaches, they are constantly developing.


They think that being in the center is bad, but here they feel good. Change is difficult to fit into their structure and beliefs that there is a problem and it can be solved is very difficult.

And here it is worth realizing that if you have a solution to a problem for everyone, this does not mean that everyone needs it. Convincing customers who are not ready for change is expensive and useless. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand that customers should be segmented not only by the presence of a problem, but also by their corporate mentality and readiness to change.

Mike Szymanski, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Strategy, in turn, raised the issue of the correctness of the definition of the expression "global thinking".

Global thinking, says Mike, is the ability to understand different cultural characteristics in parallel. And there is no global culture, so we are actually talking about cross-cultural thinking. Therefore, first of all, it is worth unlearning and discarding all implicit knowledge. Learn to ask the right questions, not only know what and how, but also understand why.

Develop the ability to switch in front of different sets of rules. Expanding perception and training critical thinking - this will allow you to better and faster fit into each new local context.

In addition to the mindset, speed comes to the fore in the entrepreneur's skill map, with speed in general and speed in decision-making. Networking is the ability to use the resources of the environment, but not only receive, but also give, developing an ecosystem of entrepreneurship together. And also the resource state - because, this is the foundation in the long term, the founder in the company is the main driver, and if he burns out, then this immediately affects the growth rate of the company.

And Dmitry Falaleev, CEO of Uskillz, recommends not being in the stream, but independently building a strategy and tactics for the development of yourself and your company. This is probably one of those skills that defines industry leaders and innovators 🙂

At the same time, Arik Akhverdian, CEO, VCV digital recruitment, being an innovator in the industry, says that one of the best strategies is to make relevant products that people need. Competition is good, it drives. If you can do better than it was or cool copy-paste and great value, feel free to do it. This is also a kind of innovation.

Despite this it is important to get experience on your own, but take into account that knowledgeable people will always tell you where to get it and why you need it. And, probably, good networking will help you shorten the time you spend in bumping and increase your chances of success, and speed, as we said, is one of the most important factors.

It was a review and reflections on the topic of the 3rd Breakfast of Go Global World and Skolkovo from the GlobalShift2021 series, where the main theme of all webinars was: Globality is not the size of a business, but a way of thinking. These were powerful and transformative events. We were delighted to create it in partnership with Skolkovo and all the speakers who took part in its creation. We hope this was interesting and useful for you.

We are excited about your feedback!



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