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Writer's pictureDanil Kislinskiy

Key Global Trends in 2021. Predictions by selected 526 VCs and Founders.

We all hear more and more that the world won't be the same because pandemic drastically changed the way we live and work.

I personally think that remote work is a new fundamental freedom that will eventually be available to a majority of people. So they would not be tight to certain a location, an office, or a workspace. They would be able to purchase or build their housing that their budget could afford in a location they like.

People dream to travel the world and it seems it would be possible for many of them at almost anytime in this decade however it might seem unrealistic now. Businesses would substantially cut their cost of maintaining "fancy" offices. It's no longer "fancy" or not wise to have a huge luxury office in downtown San Francisco or New York. The new normal is to find a way to operate your company remotely. Internal bureaucracy may drop significantly as well because complex documents can be signed by as many parties as necessary electronically. I enjoy using PandaDoc for that matter, some like Docusign or other systems. There plenty out there.

At the same time, companies would need to build operating models that are transparent, trustworthy, and most importantly efficient. Here we get on the other challenge that we as founders cannot allow ourselves to build an unethical remote work environment where we overload our team with tasks so they work from home more than they did in the office.

In Slack messenger, you can set your working hours. You can set up an internal timetable to respect people's personal time so they can rest and enjoy their families. I'm sure it will be a huge advantage for them working for you and not for your rivals.

For productivity on project management and task management, I use systems that have kanban technology build-in: Trello, Todoist, and more.

Now, let's dive into the main trends we might all want to discuss. NFX has conducted a survey with 526 Global Venture Capital Investors and Founders and prepared a summarized report on trends to watch in 2021.

And it seems something is "cooking up" in the remote work sector as it obviously became the major trend for 2021.

70% of them believe consumer spending may likely increase and almost a third think that it will increase drastically.

I think it highly depends on the industry.

Another trend that might change the landscape of innovation is that a substantial amount of companies, founders, and investors moved out from Silicon Valley and most of them moved into other states and some even left the country due to tight immigration policies. That might put some seeds on steroids to grow innovative ecosystems in the new areas of the world.

Most of them plan to hire a remote team and might shift the way we work very fast. VC money might likely flow into global hubs around the world and that is good news for emerging markets that are trying to compete for talent and capital.

On the negative side, 80% of will likely to continue using Zoom and I'm one for those too 😂

It's just hard to find time to try another convenient tool and I'm sure there are plenty. I personally had a horrible hacker attack on my zoom meeting during a Livestream I did. It was a big problem globally for many zoomers.

Still, over 50% of founders consider coming back to the office and it means that remote work won't be accepted by everyone too. I think eventually we all will.

Finally, like, repost my article and share in the comments below what are your top trends in 2021? What would be your shortlist of companies you'd select for an IPO?

See what global investors top picks for new IPOs in 2021:

Danil Kislinskiy

Founder of Go Global World

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See the full report here (Source NFX):


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