We would like to remind you about a great opportunity to communicate with GoGlobalWorld members using the @GoGlobalWorldBot on Telegram chatbot. There are more than 100 people waiting for you - join and schedule a meeting with them now!
We launched the GoGlobalWorldBot on Telegram 6 months ago. Since October 2020, 129 community members have registered to meet and know each other in person. Every week there are around 10 meetings happening thanks to the chatbot.
Once you’re registered, every week the bot offers you a new buddy to meet with. And who knows, maybe a new person will become your next business partner!
Join the GoGlobalWorld Telegram chatbot and meet with other community members - click here to join.
How it works
Go to @GoGlobalWorldBot in the Telegram app, tap ‘launch’ and fill in your profile. The bot will randomly suggest you to meet with another member of Go Global World and you would be able to text each other to set time for a call.
Once a week, the bot will ask how you are doing. You can skip the meeting or get another suggested person to connect with. Every week the bot will ask if you want to participate again.
We want to thank our partner and developer company Friday for creating us such a cool bot. Friday power-ups messengers to help HR's develop corporate social networks and fasten onboarding. Some call it "random coffee on steroids" due to advanced matching and scenario settings.